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Case of the Month
University of Bologna, Italy: breaking boundaries beyond five lesions with multifocal stereotactic radiotherapy in prostate cancer
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Trends in incidence and demographics of testicular cancer in California, 2000–2020
Given that California is the most populous state in theUS and one of the most racially/ethnically diverse populations, we sought to evaluate trends in demographics including race/ethnicity from updated population data up to the year 2020.
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Part of the BURST/BJUI podcast series.
Mr Sam Morris, a Urology CT2 at Charing Cross Hospital, London discusses the BURST-BAUS Finding Consensus for Orchidopexy in Torsion (FIX-IT) study
BJUI video abstract
LUNAR: a randomised phase 2 study of 177Lutetium-PSMA neoadjuvant to ablative radiotherapy for oligorecurrent prostate cancer (clinical trial protocol)
BJUI video abstract
Is low-dose tadalafil better than tamsulosin? A randomised controlled trial in shockwave lithotripsy for solitary upper tract calculi