
Podcast: The IDENTIFY Study

Part of the BURST/BJUI podcast series BJUI - BJU International · BJUI/BURST: The IDENTIFY Study Podcast:  The IDENTIFY Study: The investigation and detection of urological neoplasia in patients referred with suspected urinary tract cancer; a multicentre observational study  Mr Sinan Khadhouri is a Specialty Registrar in Urology in the East of Scotland and currently doing his PhD at the University of Aberdeen. He is also the co-vice chair of BURST and the lead trainee on IDENTIFY. …

Podcast: Prostate Health Index and mpMRI to predict PCa grade reclassification in AS

Part of the BURST/BJUI Podcast Series BJUI - BJU International · BURST podcast: Prostate Health Index and mpMRI to predict PCa grade reclassification in AS Mr Joseph Norris is a Specialty Registrar in Urology in the London Deanery. He is currently undertaking an MRC Doctoral Fellowship at UCL, under the supervision of Professor Mark Emberton. His research interest is prostate cancer that is inconspicuous on mpMRI.

Podcast: Machine learning partial nephrectomy complications

Part of the BURST/BJUI Podcast Series BJUI - BJU International · Machine Learning Partial Nephrectomy Complications Arjun Nathan is an ST1 in Urology in North London and NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow with the Royal College of Surgeons. He is also the BURST Treasurer and committee member.

Residents’ podcast: MIMIC Study

Part of the BURST/BJUI Podcast Series BJUI - BJU International · Residents' podcast: MIMIC Study Mr Chuanyu Gao is a Core Surgical Trainee in KSS Deanery. He graduated from UCL Medical School and obtained his iBSc in Surgical Sciences before completing his Academic Foundation Years in East of England Foundation School. Chuanyu first became involved with BURST on the MIMIC Study as an international site coordinator and has been part of the BURST committee ever since.  Factors associated…

Residents’ Podcast: Efficacy of vibegron, a novel β3‐adrenoreceptor agonist, on severe UUI related to OAB

Part of the BURST/BJUI Podcast Series Nikita Bhatt is a Specialist Trainee in Urology in the East of England Deanery and a BURST Committee member @BURSTUrology Efficacy of vibegron, a novel β3‐adrenoreceptor agonist, on severe urgency urinary incontinence related to overactive bladder: post hoc analysis of a randomized, placebo‐controlled, double‐blind, comparative phase 3 study Masaki Yoshida*, Masayuki Takeda†, Momokazu Gotoh‡, Osamu Yokoyama§, Hidehiro…

Residents’ Podcast: Pharmacological interventions for treating CPP

Part of the BURST/BJUI Podcast Series Nikita Bhatt is a Specialist Trainee in Urology in the East of England Deanery and a BURST Committee member @BURSTUrology   Pharmacological interventions for treating chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome: a Cochrane systematic review Juan V.A. Franco*, Tarek Turk†, Jae Hung Jung‡, Yu-Tian Xiao§, Stanislav Iakhno¶, Federico Ignacio Tirapegui**, Virginia Garrote†† and Valeria Vietto‡‡   *Argentine Cochrane…

Residents’ podcast: the ProtecT trial

BJUI - BJU International · The ProtecT trial: Part of the BURST/BJUI Podcast Series Mr Joseph Norris is a Specialty Registrar in Urology in the London Deanery. He is currently undertaking an MRC Doctoral Fellowship at UCL, under the supervision of Professor Mark Emberton. His research interest is prostate cancer that is inconspicuous on mpMRI. Joseph sits on the committee of the BURST Research Collaborative as the Treasurer and BSoT Representative. The ProtecT trial: analysis of the…

Podcast: Covid-19: the situation in Italy

Dr Riccardo Campi is a resident in Urology and PhD student at the Department of Urology and Renal Transplantation, Careggi University Hospital in Florence, Italy BJUI Podcasts are available on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/bju-international/id1309570262
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